Linux:Switching from X11 to Native Wayland
Librem 5:tracker-store High CPU
Security:Recent SSH Brute Force Botnet Attack
Linux:Using ZRam
Circumventing MacOS FileVault Autologin Restrictions
Bash:Handy Bashrc Bits
Librem 5:Can’t Update - 404 Not found
Librem 5:No Wifi
Librem 5:Epiphany Render Bug
Librem 5:Order Timeline
Benchmark:Seagate Backup Plus 5TB
Benchmark:Samsung Bar Plus 32 GB
Building a Reputable Mail server
Why Linux is Hard
Linux:Manual Restart with sysrq-trigger
Crux Linux:Faster Builds
Gentoo:Converting Portage to Git
Gentoo:Kernel Cleanup
Cool, Fun, and Mostly Useless Things to do with Linux
Cool, Fun, and Mostly Useless Things to do with Linux V2
Changing the Hostname on a Linux Box
Linux:Using Bash to Generate a Wordlist
Bash:Lesser Known Bits
Searching for a Command in Linux
Command Line Auto-Complete
Scheduling Jobs in Linux
Linux:Non-root Suspend
Duplicating a USB Stick with dd
Installing Gimp 2.7 via a PPA
Installing KDE 4.6 in Debian
Linux:At the Office
Linux:Desktop Sharing
Linux:Symantec VIP Access
MPlayer:Recursively Play All Files
Mutt:Email Notifications
Mutt:Sorting Mail Like a Boss
Mutt:Useful Muttrc Color Regular Expressions
Non-Root User Connect to Wifi in Arch Linux with SLiM
SSH Tunnel Forwarding
Screenshots from Command Line
Startup Sounds with SLiM
Streaming Audio Over SSH
Linux Desktop:Password Management
Checking DNSBL Lists
Managing Linux with Linux
Exim Spam Filtering with Bogofilter
Linux:Checking CPU Core Usage
Linux:Comparing Remote with Local
Running Web Services on Non-Standard Ports
Install Java 6 on Debian Lenny 5.0
Perfect Server Debian Installation:Pureftpd Won’t Start
Comparing Remote Files Without Breaking a Sweat
Backing up a Server Remotely Using Minimal Bandwidth
Enabling Colors in Ksh88
Default Solaris man Pager
Attached Devices and VPS (OpenVZ and Virtuozzo)
Cool Vim Trickery
Note-taking with Vim
Vim:Frequently Used Bits and Doodads
Indenting in Vi
Linux:dm-crypt Encrypted Home Directories
Linux:Luks Password Changing
Linux:System Encryption
Encrypting Home Directories with EncFS
Securing a Postfix Smtp Server
Remote Mounting File Systems Through SSH
Linux Storage Devices, Partitions, and Mount Points Explained
Linux:RAID Setup
Btrfs:RAID 5 Rsync Freeze
Btrfs:RAID Setup
Linux:Formatting a Hard Drive
Bash:Waitpid Function
Bash Mock Objects/Commands
Linux Development:Detecting STDOUT Escape Char Support
Understanding the Bash Fork Bomb
DNS Backup Script
Finding the Absolute Path of a Bash Script
Linux:Vpnc Restart Script
Scripting Wma to Ogg Conversion in Linux
Linux:Updating SSH Keys Across an Environment
Javadoc-style Perl Documentation Generator
Git as a Backup Solution
Git Basics
Git:Branch Author List
Git:Care Free Committing
Git:Changing Project Licensing
Git:Clone All Remote Repos
Git:Secure Automated HTTP Credentials
A Usual Opening
Blog Resurrection
Cell Provider Comparison
How to Uninterest Me in Your Job Opening
My Favorite Blogs
Let’s get started… again
AdBlock Only kind of Blocks Ads
Aol Email Hacked
Net Neutrality
When Innovation is Appropriate
Don’t Censor Me Bro!
Linux:Secure Authentication
What Your Server OS Says about You
DD-WRT:Change Root SSH_Password
Compiling KeePassX 2 from Source with Qt 4.8.0
Compiling MariaDB: cannot find ncurses: File format not recognized
Compiling nginx for Solaris 10 - Configure: test: argument expected
MySql:Find all Required Columns
Performing a MySql Backup Via Command Line
Team Password Management
My Favorite Open Source Projects
Open Source Living:Browsers
Puppet:Out of Range for Type Integer
Apache:Listening Port
Ubuntu Bridging Network Interfaces
Ubuntu - Installing Sun Java
Ubuntu Reinstall
Using SpiderOak with Qt 4.7.2
Theming Gnome-Shell Intro
Process:Versioning Schemes
OwnCloud Documents on Arch Linux
Empathy Accounts Dialog won’t Launch
Google Apps Users: Cannot Use Self-hosted XMPP
XMPP Error: 404: Remote Server Not Found
Building an Ejabberd Server with MySql
Dell V305 Printer on Linux
Installing Team Foundation Server 2008
Installing Team Foundation Server 2010 Beta 1
Upgrading TFS 2008 Workgroup to TFS 2008 Standard
TFS 2008:Permissions for Creating Team Projects
Team Foundation Server 2010 Beta 1 Configuration
SQL 2008 Reinstall Errors
SQL Server 2008 Memory Management
Kill All Connections to SQL Database
Converting Disks in Hyper-V
Converting Hyper-V VHDs
Hyper-V and Vista
Installing Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
Visual Studio 2010 Debugging in Remote Locations
Running Load Tests with a Remote VSTS Controller and Associated Agents
Note to self:Connecting ASP.Net to SQL
EXE Disassociation
Opening CHM Files in Vista
Synchronizing Playlists with a Sansa Fuze and Media Monkey
Sysprepping Server 2008
Transferring Files from Windows to Linux
Benchmark:Toshiba Canvio Slim
Benchmark:WD Elements
Benchmark:HGST Touro S 1TB 7200 RPM
Benchmark:PNY Micro Sleek 16GB
Benchmark:Seagate Backup Slim Plus 1TB
Case Insensitive Matching in C
Finding Prime Factors
Writing an Array to Sql Conversion Function
PHP-5.3:Class Exception Not Found
Postback Freezes Animated Gifs
Divs That Move When Users Scroll
Creating Text Outlines in CSS
Expanding Divs Containing Floated Elements
Replacing the Glass on a Samsung Galaxy S iii
Samsung Epic 4g Syndicate Rom: Freeze on Boot
Cyanogenmod 7 on the_Evo
Fixing Android Mac Address Conflicts
Android Client and Sync with ownCloud on NGINX
Android:Configuring Hotmail Exchange
Android:My Phone Configuration
Android Screen Density
Church Media Computer Setup
ProPresenter:Action Hotkeys Not Working
ProPresenter:Automatically Advancing Slide Loops
ProPresenter:Edit Mode
Configuring Status.Net for NGINX in a Subdirectory
Creating Search Engine Optimized Drupal URLS
Drupal, Mod rewrite, Subdirectories, and Nginx
Installation of Aptana Studio into Eclipse
Kubuntu and Bluetooth Audio
Lucid Lynx Release Date
MediaWiki vs SharePoint
Migrating from Drupal 7 to Habari .8
Migrating SQL Data
Redirecting a WordPress Site
Server Administration:Firewalls
Whitelist MediaWiki Namespaces with $wgWhitelistRead
Xfce 4.10 Pre 2 Review
Last edited: 2021-10-15 21:46:44 UTC