Migrating from Drupal 7 to Habari .8
Lately I’ve been trying out the latest release of
Habari and I really like it. They have created a
very simple, yet functional and very clean interface with which to blog (not to
mention its code implements the newest of just about everthing). With that,
bitnode used to be run on Drupal, so converting from elenty billion articles
(that’s the technical number) to posts in Habari was not looking too easy.
After some searching, I found that the best way to convert without having to
write some sql statements would be to migrate from Drupal 7 to Drupal 6, then
from Drupal 6 to Wordpress 2.3; then from Wordpress 2.3 to Habari .8.
So it seemed that manually copying the data from column to column with sql
statements would be my best route. After some time (and so so many browser
tabs), I finally came up with some queries that would migrate you from Drupal 7
to Habari .8. Please keep in mind that these will not migrate all of your data.
These are only for migrating your posts and their related comments.
- Move our posts over using the drupal ids so we can relate our comments later
insert into `habari_posts` (id, title, slug, content, user_id, status, pubdate, updated) select nid,title,title,body_value, 2, status, created, changed from drupal_node join drupal_field_data_body on drupal_node.nid=drupal_field_data_body.entity_id;
Here we are doing a simple insert into habari_posts from another table.
However, due to Drupal’s robust database structure (not sure if it’s 3NF), we
have to query another table for our remaining post data as the meta-data (post
subject, various dates, status, etc) is stored in the drupal_node table and the
actual post is stored in the drupal_field_data_body table.
Once again, in this query I have statically defined user id 2. You will need to
change this to your user’s ID in Habari who you want to show up as posting
everything. If you need to import multiple user’s posts, you will need to query
for the Drupal user IDs and change the Habari user IDs to match the posts
(that’s the easiest way).
- update our drupal published status to the habari version
update habari_posts set status=2 where status=1;
- update our drupal draft status to the habari version
update habari_posts set status=1 where status=0;
Here we are just converting our post statuses from
Drupal values to Habari values. In Habari, status 1 is published and
status 0 is draft (as of 2011.12.30).
-Now we migrate our comments
insert into habari_comments (post_id, name, email, url, ip, content, status, date) select nid, name, mail, homepage, hostname, comment_body_value, status, created from drupal_comment join drupal_field_data_comment_body on drupal_comment.cid=drupal_field_data_comment_body.entity_id;
Here we are grabbing the comments for each of the posts. Since we pulled in all
the post IDs from the Drupal tables in our first query, we can do the same here
and everything should line up perfectly. Once again, like with the posts,
Drupal stores comment data in more than one table. In Drupal, the comment
meta-data is stored in the drupal_comment table and the actual comment data is
stored in the drupal_field_data_comment_body table.
And that should be it. You’ve just migrated all of your post and comment data
to Habari .8. If you have any images used in your posts, you will also need to
copy Drupal’s sites/default/files/ directory to the root directory of your
Habari instance.
If anyone tries this out, please let me know how it worked for you. It worked
fine for me (evidenced by the fact that bitnode is still viewable), but I’d
like some input on how to better write these queries in case there are any
additional fields I may have missed that people would be interested in. Thank’s
for reading!